Sapphire bare fiber sample – 10cm length, 300um core diameter


This bare fiber sample is 10cm long and has a core diameter of 300um.

Other customer lengths and diameters can be requested at



Sapphire is a chemical and scratch resistant material with a melting point of 2,072°C. MMI offers LHPG grade sapphire fibers with diameter ranging from 75 to 500 μm. In addition, fibers with enlarged end(s) made possible by taper(s) are also available. This is an important feature, since the flexibility of the fiber varies as the inverse 4th power of the diameter (e.g., a 100 μm fiber is 16 times more flexible than a 200 μm fiber). The tapered fibers give the user high throughput capability without sacrificing their flexibility in both energy delivery and spectroscopy applications. PTFE jacket and/or connector(s) are available for fibers with diameter larger than 100 μm.

This bare fiber sample is 10cm long and has a core diameter of 300um.

Other customer lengths and diameters can be requested at


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