Sapphire Fibers and Sensors

About Us

MMI began its business in 1998 as a supplier of single crystal sapphire fibers. Since then, it has expanded its product lines to include fiber optic temperature sensors as well as chemical sensors. A salient feature of MMI’s business model is that virtually all its technologies are covered by its own or licensed patents.

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Our Technology

Central to MMI’s business is its versatile Laser Heated Pedestal Growth (LHPG) system (US Pat. #10,392,721). This system is used to produce the highest quality sapphire optical fibers. The ability of the system to grow tapered fibers makes possible the fabrication of compact evanescent wave absorption sensors with exceptionally high sensitivity. Likewise, it is used in the fabrication of the monolithic all-crystalline Ultra probe for the OptoTemp 2000 fiber-optic thermometer which has the highest temperature measuring capability among all such devices on the market (US Patent #6,045,259)

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